• Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the screening tool for?

    Mental health care is not a one size fits all approach. We want to ensure that we have clinicians here who will specialize in what you are looking for, have openings that fit your schedule, and are in network with your insurance along with a variety of other factors. If for whatever reason we do not think we will be the best match for your individual needs, we will provide you with alternate resources who may be able to meet your needs. 

    Will my insurance cover my appointments? 

    Whether or not your insurance covers your appointments will be dependent on if we have therapists here who are in network with your plan, and if your insurance covers mental/behavioral health. Sometimes clients present with a parent plan and actually have a alternate plan that covers mental health services. For your services here to be covered, a therapist here that has the skill set to support you has to be in network with your plan for mental health services. We are in network with many major insurance companies, including: Cigna, Anthem, Harvard Pilgrim, Optum, United.

    We do have the ability to provide self pay services and superbills that you can submit to your insurance for out of network benefits.  We do not have the ability to bill for Medicaid or Medicare (including all Medicare advantage plans) clients at this time

    How much will insurance cover?

    How much insurance covers is completely dependent on your individual plan. We will not be able to give you an estimate at the beginning of the intake process. However, once your paperwork is completed and we receive copies of your insurance card, we will be able to run your benefits. We will contact you to provide you with all billing information before your first appointment. We will also have you sign off on a “No Surprises Act” consent and provide details as required by law before you are able to be seen for a first appointment.

    What is a deductible/deductible plan?

    This is the amount you must pay before insurance will pay your claim. If your mental health benefits are under a deductible plan, you must pay the allowed amount your insurance company sets for specific services. This can range from $100 to $150 and reset yearly. For example, if you have a $2000 deductible, you would need to pay for around 20 appointments out of pocket at the full amount your insurance believes is equitable for your appointment. Once this is met, your insurance company will pay for part or all of your appointment cost. 

    **Please also note that other medical bills can go towards your deductible as well.

    What is a coinsurance?

    A coinsurance is the percentage of the allowed amount you will be responsible for paying after your deductible has been met. If you have a $100 allowed amount and a 20% coinsurance, once your deductible has been met you will be responsible for a $20 payment at each appointment.

    What is a copayment?

    A copayment is a set price your insurance company will have you pay for each appointment. A usual range for these are $5 to $50.

    **** we will send our best estimate to you in a welcome letter in the client portal for you to sign before your first appointment.  If you believe out estimate is incorrect you can call your insurance directly.  IF they provide different information please get a reference number for your call, who you spoke with the date and time of your call and have them fax us different benefit information to 603-601-4476

    Can I use an HSA card for services?

    Of course. If you put in another card when initially filling out paperwork, contact us and we can help you update it.

    I received telehealth forms but I don’t want a telehealth appointment… Do I fill them out anyways?

    These telehealth forms are just a precaution. We will work to schedule you for an in-person appointment, but we like to have those on file so if something comes up you can move to telehealth if you desire to. A perfect example is if there is severe weather, you can move your appointment online rather than have to cancel.

    My paperwork is completed, how do I schedule an initial appointment?

    Once your paperwork has been complete, you will be put onto our scheduling list. Please note that we do have a wait for appointments (this varies but will be shared with you throughout the intake process) and that wait begins once your paperwork is fully completed. We then will work on the matching process, and when a clinician we think is a good fit has openings, we will give you a call. If we do not receive a response, we will send an email or text message with the appointment time information. We kindly ask that you respond to us within 24 hours so our clinicians can have an understanding of their schedule. 

    Can I request a specific therapist?

    If you see a therapist on our page who you would prefer to work with, please let us know. We will be happy to look into and focus on that match for you. We do ask you to be mindful that there are a lot of factors that go into this matching process, so there is a chance they may not be the best fit for you. This includes what their current availability looks like, the insurance they accept, and what they specialize in.

    When will I be billed for appointments?

    Appointment costs will be billed on the day of or the day after your scheduled appointment. Please be aware that if you have an appointment on Friday, your payment may not process until the following Monday. You will only be charged the amount indicated in the “Welcome Letter” form sent at the beginning of services.

    If you have a deductible plan you will be charged our agreed upon rate until the insurance returns a different amount in your explanation of benefits after we process an appointment. Please note this can take up to eight weeks after we submit a claim.

    How will I be billed for appointments?

    We will process payments using the card the client supplies throughout the initial paperwork process. If you have more than one credit card on file, please indicate to the office which one you would like to be charged. If you have any special circumstances please contact the office before your appointment and we would be happy to help.

    If I have any changes to my insurance or demographic information, what should I do?

    We strongly encourage any changes to insurance, address, or name to be reported to the office. If we do not receive any of these changes, insurance claims we send in will be denied and the client risks having to pay the full self-pay rate for their appointment ($150). 

    How long are appointments?

    Appointment times vary, however, the average length of your appointment is approximately 50 minutes.

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